Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Last week you were asked to decide. We were both faced with a decision that hopefully caused us to seek God’s guidance for His leading. We made a decision as to who we would elect for the office of the President of the United States. I have thought a lot about decisions in the last couple of weeks. We face them everyday. Some are major life decisions and some are minor decisions. However, everyday we are faced with decisions that do determine the path our lives will follow. Though we may look at these decisions as minor they can have a major impact on the direction that our lives will take. We make a decision every single day to spend time in God’s Word and in prayer with Him or not to do it. This decision is a daily one and one that does affect our day and will affect our life. It may not seem so important at the time to miss one or two days of time with our Lord, but this decision could easily be the beginning of a wrong path chosen. In Daniel 1:8 it is recorded, “But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself…..” Here are the two amazing things about this passage of Scripture. Daniel made up his mind or as another version states, “he resolved” to not defile himself. Daniel made a decision to obey God just as you and I do every day. Whether it is making the decision to take time to read His Word and pray, to gossip or not, or to respond in love to others or respond with our fleshly desire. We all make a multitude of decisions everyday. The second issue in Daniel 1:8 that captures my attention is knowing that Daniel was only 15 years old when he made this decision. Wow! I love this about Daniel and the testimony he is to me and my children. How are you doing with decisions? Specifically, how are you doing as a woman living out God’s principles for your life? Have you decided to live out His priorities for you as exemplified in the life of the Proverbs 31 woman? Have you decided to follow His principles for becoming a godly woman as stated in Titus 2:3-5? If you are like me you have struggled at the age of 20, 30 and 40+ years to DECIDE daily to obey God in this calling. I am certainly not talking about a perfect life, but I am talking about a decision like Daniel made. DECIDE today dear friend, to live like God has called you to live. DECIDE today to be the godly woman He has called you to be. This decision for you and me affects you and others for eternity!

In His Love,
Lori Merrill

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dear Mom of a High School Graduate,

I have been thinking about you. I have been praying for all the mothers that sent their children off to college recently. Last year, when I received an encouraging note from a sweet friend the week my son graduated it made me think of other mothers like me, who may be facing the first child graduating (or even the last). I wondered how other moms have dealt with this and what their thoughts have been or are now. So, the more I thought about it the more I felt prompted from the Lord to write you a note of encouragement. There are many emotions that could present themselves to you this month or in the upcoming months so my desire is to be a voice of encouragement while you walk through this stage of life. I am certainly no expert in this matter, but I do know what it felt like last year at this time and what it will feel like again as I face it a year from now with my second son. Some prayerful suggestions to consider:

Have the right perspective—you want your children to grow up to become healthy spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. How you react to changes could impact their health in these areas.
Trust God with what you have done to impart His Word into their lives and rest in your efforts.
Be still and know that He is God. Psalm 46:10
Pray for them daily to grow to love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. Mark 12:30
Be excited—think about your fun college experiences! If you made mistakes it doesn’t mean they will as well. Rejoice that the Lord has brought your child to this point in life and that your child has the opportunity to further their education.
Make a special scrapbook or journal—if you didn’t get this done before they graduated then do it now as a Christmas gift this year!
Tell them you love them—every chance you get via the phone, text or email!
Don’t live in the past—this is the day the Lord has made; rejoice and be glad in it! The Proverbs 31 woman smiles at the future because she has security in His plans.
Keep in touch—call them at least once a week just to keep the lines of communication open. Make a phone appointment if necessary.
Bless them each week
—think of one thing you can do at least once a week to bless them. A note, a special delivery via the mail or a Scripture that you send them. I sent two subscriptions to Ignite Your Faith; one to my son and another to an ‘adopted’ daughter each August.

We serve a Sovereign God who has a perfect plan for our children. There is nothing that surprises Him though it may surprise us! And guess what? The same God that blessed you with that child by creating him or her loves that child more than you do! I know that is so hard for us to imagine, but it is true. So, who better to give these emotions such as fear and anxiousness to, than to Him?!

How have you dealt with your child moving to that next stage of life? Share with others so we can all learn from one another!

I am praying for you,
Lori Merrill

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Praying in Faith

Dear Fellow Keeper,

I have always enjoyed basking in God’s glory and how He displays Himself in nature, but now with a new intensity and appreciation. I look at the clouds, the trees, and the birds many times and say to the Lord, “You are so awesome….look what You have made, look at how you express Your glory.” This expression of appreciation became very real and even sustaining to me over the last couple of years. A little more than two years ago Steve and I believed that God was calling us to take a huge step of faith by declining a move with his company. The job we could have kept came with a promise of financial security for life. The offer was completely without comprehension in our minds. However, we knew that money, stocks, and material incentives aren’t where real security lies. So, we trusted God and waited. We waited a whole summer for God to provide a job. And then once He did, it was gone a few months later, but thankfully with another job right around the corner. That one lasted even less time before the company folded so, we waited again. This time it took another summer plus some. I can remember during those times having the most precious conversations with God. When I drove into town I would have the most beautiful view for miles of full deep green trees and the wide expanse of sky. That is when I would praise Him. “Lord, the sky is beautiful today, look at those clouds. You made all of this; a job for Steve is not hard for you” or “Lord, the trees, the sky, the rain is amazing; how creative you are! Creating a job for my husband is not difficult for you.” This would put it all in perspective for me. The God of the universe who created everything from nothing was in control of our future and my husband’s job or lack of one. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Do you really believe that? If so, begin to praise Him now for Who He is and then remind Him and yourself of why the praises you express also state the very reason you can trust Him. We took a leap of faith and trusted in what was unknown, however what we did know was ‘Who’ was worthy to be trusted!

Fellow Keeper, whatever you are facing today stop right now and praise Him for who He is and now turn that praise into a fact of why you should trust Him. I would love to hear from you and how doing this has changed you in the past or today!

In His Love,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

More "Things to Do in the Summer"

* Tour your town:
I grew up in a small town that had a historic caboose on main street. I never knew why it was there until one day I took my children and their cousins to tour it. It was fun for them to be able to go inside a real caboose and it was educational too We packed a lunch and took our old bread from our kitchen and drove to a new neighborhood with a pond and fed the ducks.

* Use summertime to teach or immprove your children's chore skills.
This is a great time to teach them what chores you want to add to their chore chart for the Fall also. I used summers to teach them skills such as cleaning, gardening and cooking. This time spent in the summer made the fall schedules less hectic since we had prepared and the kids learned my expectations along with a little more self discipline!:)

* Reading Program
Get your children to read, read, read. Use summer to read aloud together (yes even to pre-teens and teenagers) and expect your children to read many books. Visit the library and teach them how to check out books, apply for a library card and encourage them to love learning.

* Grow spiritually always!
Choose a Bible study and /or devotional to do together. This summer our whole damily has begun a very intensive devo together. It is meant to be done in 40 days, but we are taking it slower so it will fit with our schedules. However we will have group discussion once a week. We are so excited about what God will do through this time personally and corporately. My children are 19, 18, and 16 now so the things to do together never end!

Lori Merrill

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What are your ideas to break the summer boredom?

I know summer hasn't officially begun yet, but I wanted to get some ideas generated for what you can do  to help your kids overcome boredom during the summer months.  As things slow down for us and schedules aren't as fixed, it is great to have a more lax routine.  However, eventually we all hear our kids say "mom, I'm bored!"  

Here a few things we are going to do this summer to keep things fun and enjoyable:
Things that are free:  
  • Swim at a friends pool
  • Attend Vacation Bible School  (Older kids could help at VBS)
  • Have friend day at least once per week- we invite a friend over to spend the day.
  • Walk our dog
  • Go to the park with friends
  • Have a spa day at home (we'll soak our feet, wear mud masks and paint our nails)
Things that don't cost much:
  • Walk to the nearest convenience store together to buy a frozen coke.
  • Attend Fun Day Tuesday's at our church (Henderson Hills- Edmond)
  • Make a craft on a rainy day
  • Participate in a kids fun run.
Things that take money, but are worth it:
  • Go to the local swimming pool
  • Go to the local ice skating rink
  • Go see a good kids movie
  • Attend a musical or play at the local children's theater.
What about you?
Since I have two girls who are ages 9 & 11 my summer plans will look different than yours.  We can all learn new ideas from each other and that is the wonderful thing about blogging.  I'd love to hear what those of you with younger kids will do as well as those with teenagers.  What about those of you with boys? All you need to do is click on the word "comments" below highlighted in blue.  If you don't have a blogger account yet, you can sign up for free by following the prompts on the comments page.  Come on everyone, start sharing your ideas!

Your friend,


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

“I can’t wait until schools out!”

I remember the first time I heard one of my friends say those words, “I can’t wait until school is out,” and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’d never thought those words before, let alone said them. In fact most of my friends would panic and say, “Oh no, schools almost out!” Honestly, before taking Keepers of the Home, that is exactly how I felt too. Oh no, their home all of the time, Oh no, now what am I going to do?

My friend, I don’t know which woman you are. If you are excited to see your kids home or if the thought of it causes you great headaches, no matter how you feel about it, summer is coming and the new routine will be starting very soon.

Before you go and sign your kids up for non-stop entertainment & sports camps for the next 12 weeks, let me share two ideas with you of things I do that help me survive summer with my kids.

Enjoy a TV Free Summer! Okay- I know what you are thinking; impossible, can’t be done. Well you are wrong. I have actually done this 3 years in a row and it has worked out just fine. What I do is tell the kids that we aren’t going to watch any TV programs in the summer. They are allowed to watch one mom-approved movie per day that was rented or one that we owned, but NO TV. After the first couple of weeks, they find other things to do and really don’t miss it. In fact the first year we did this, we didn’t turn TV programs back on until November!

Plan Your Summer Now! This is for everyone with kids of all ages. No matter whether you have toddlers who will no longer be in Mother’s Day Out programs or teenagers, plan out the summer. Here’s a simple idea on how to do this.
Print off a calendar for June, July and August. (Here is a website with free printable calendars: click here for a free templates)
Hole punch the calendar and put it in a 3-ring binder or folder with brads.
Fill in the things you already know you are doing, like VBS, vacation, camp, etc.
Ask your kids to tell you some things they would like to do this summer. Ask them to be creative. We categorize our ideas by price. For example, we try to have a few things that might be costly- like going to the local amusement park. Then we have some items that cost marginal amounts of money, like going to buy supplies for a craft or going out to eat with friend. Finally I urge my kids to think of as many free things as they can think of, like riding our bikes, playing with friends, etc.

Lastly I look at the weeks that we have nothing going on and try to incorporate one of the costly things per month and then fill in the rest of the weeks with the other less costly or free activities.
If you are a mom who works outside of the home, then summer poses a different kind of challenge for you. You have to make sure childcare is lined up and you may have those longing feelings that you wish you could be home with the kids. I understand how you feel. What I have found is that through my part time job, I still have to plan for my kids. I have to plan what they are doing and make the most of every precious little thing we get to do together. I’d like to talk more about the subject of planning chores and learning and reading time into every day next week!

I have found that when I look at the 12 weeks of summer at a glance, that it really isn’t so long after all. Hopefully these tips this week will help you to get ready for the summer, so that when it is time for them to go back to school you can truly say you are sad to see them go. These days I can actually say I can’t wait until school is out to spend another fun filled summer with my kids.

Figuring life out together,
Gena Sego

Monday, May 5, 2008

Do Nothing!

Please, for just a few moments each day, do nothing. I'm not talking about your Bible Study or "Quiet Time", but a time to sit at the feet of our precious Lord and just do....nothing. Author Dallas Willard is quoted as saying "...the hardest thing to get North American people to do is nothing..".

As I sit and look over my calendar for this month that has just barely begun, it makes me feel more than a little overwhelmed. If the rest of you are like me, the month of May is an endless line of end-of-the-year activities....classroom parties, graduations, dance recitals, band concerts, sports banquets, and the list goes on. There isn't any space left for penciling things in on my calendar and I feel tired just thinking about all there is to be done.

So as we head into this final stretch of the school year, I invite you to look with me at some great verses, quotes and songs that can encourage us to make sure we take the time EACH DAY to BE STILL and sit at the Lord's feet during the rush and busy-ness of this time of year. Just for a few moments each day...do nothing.

"Cease striving and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace." "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" by Helen H. Lemmel

"I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds" Psalm 77:12

"Oh this world, it falls around me And flutters all it's beauty in my eyes, But let me choose the solitude, Simplicity has always simply changed my life, Cause even stillness makes me move Cause that's when my heart Learns to dance with you" "Still" by Nathan & Christie Nockles